
La position W, c'est lorsqu'un enfant est assis sur le sol, les genoux pliés et les pieds placés à l'extérieur de ses hanches. Lorsqu'ils sont observés à vol d'oiseau, les pattes et le corps créent la forme d'un « w ».
Signes et symptômes
Children may move in and out of the W sitting position, but prolonged sitting places the child at risk for issues such as:
- Luxation de la hanche : résulte d'une tension sur les articulations de la hanche, augmentant le risque de luxation
- Diminution de la force de base : une activation minimale entraîne un mauvais développement qui peut affecter leur capacité à effectuer d'autres tâches motrices globales
- Contraction musculaire accrue : évidente au niveau des hanches, des genoux et des chevilles
- Probabilité accrue de douleur au genou avec le temps
- Peut contribuer à l'entrée des pieds (pieds tournés vers l'intérieur)
Comment la physiothérapie peut aider
- Suggesting alternative sitting positions to the W sitting pose: bum sitting, “criss-cross” sitting, sitting with the legs in front, side sitting, sitting on a little stool/bench/chair
- Transitioning from positions such as 4 point/crawling into a bum sit. This re-wires their motor pattern to help them automatically sit in different positions to avoid the W sitting position.

- Core/trunk strengthening – this can reduce the need to form the W sitting pose as strengthening the core/trunk muscles can make it easier to sustain other sitting positions that require more core activation (such as bum sitting, and long sitting)
- Hip muscle strengthening can help counteract the less optimal hip/pelvis alignments associated with W sitting, such as a posterior pelvic tilt and femoral anteversion. The gluteal muscles are commonly weaker in kids that W sit, and strengthening the hip extensors, abductors, and external rotators can help offset the consequences of less optimal alignment
- Muscle stretching/improving flexibility can make it easier to sit in other positions that require some flexibility (e.g., hamstring flexibility is needed for long sitting, and adductor flexibility is required for sitting crisscross). Hamstring tightness can pull the pelvis into a posterior pelvic tilt, so we can reduce that pelvic position by stretching the hamstrings.
- Practicing motor plans that allow children to transition easily from walking or crawling into other sitting positions.
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