Little League Shoulder

Little League Shoulder is an injury of the shoulder characterized by throwing–related pain over the proximal end of the humerus. Stress on the shoulder causes the widening of the growth plate, resulting in swelling and pain in the shoulder. This can be caused by repetitive throwing without adequate rest, pitching and throwing with incorrect mechanics, or muscle weakness in the shoulder and upper back area.
If there is pain in the shoulder when pitching, throwing, or even at rest, as well as tenderness near the shoulder, seek out your healthcare provider and a physio professional.
How Physiotherapy Can Help
To return to preinjury levels of participation, the best treatments are rest and rehabilitation. Teaching proper throwing mechanics is beneficial towards recovery, as well as the cessation of throwing for a determined period, restoring changes in ROM and strength of the shoulder/arm muscles, followed by a graduated return to throwing when asymptomatic. A physiotherapist can also help strengthen the athlete’s core, legs, and hips to enhance stability for the overall throwing mechanics.

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